L (WB_Command) - Mail to list of recipients

This command is used for sending WBSP page to email recipient(s) using SMTP mail server defined in variable WB_MailServer. Depending on variable used for defining email address the report template will be processed differently.
If email address is defined in WB_BCCField report template will be processed once and the (same) result will be sent to all recipients. The email addresses will be set as BCC so no recipient will see the email addresses of other recipients. The mail server will be contacted once and a single mail with many BCC addresses will be sent. Please note that some mail servers limit the maximum number of recipients for a single mail.
If email address is defined in WB_ToField report template will be processed as many times as there is records in recordset (once per record) and the result will be sent to single recipient every time, which means that mail server will be contacted once for every recipient.
If there are any attachments defined in WB_Attach or WB_AttachField variables, they will also be sent.
The defined recordset (using WB_BaseName, WB_RcdSet and WB_Query) will be opened same as with Query command, and all database related functions will be processed too.