$WBCAPTCHA - show text as captcha

$WBCAPTCHA is available for use with all WBSP commands.


SourceText - a string that should be transformed to CAPTCHA
TableBorder - optional parameter - border thickness in pixels
ImageOn - optional parameter - URL of the image that will be placed in cells that form the character (contain the dot)
ImageOff - optional parameter - URL of the image that will be placed in blank cells
CellWidth - optional parameter - the width of a single cell in pixels
CellColor - optional parameter - the background color for cells that form the character (contain the dot)
TableStyle - optional parameter - style for tables forming the characters
BorderColor - optional parameter - the color of the border
BackgroundColor -  optional parameter - the background color for blank cells

SourceText transformed into CAPTCHA.


<body bgcolor="#ffffff" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">

After running this example, the resulting page in browser, may look like this: