$WBVA - separated list of request variables

$WBVA  is available for use with all WBSP commands:


typeofvars - single letter flag that defines which POST or GET variables will be returned. Valid values are:
A - all variables received through HTTP request (POST or GET)
W - WhizBase system variables (variable name starting with WB_) received through HTTP request (POST or GET)
O - non WhizBase variables received through HTTP request (POST or GET)
separator - optional text parameter that will be used to separate returned varaibles. If omitted, the default value <br> will be used

Variables received through HTTP request (POST or GET), in form variablename=variablevalueseparatorvariablename=variablevalueseparatorvariablename=variablevalue


<title>WBVA example</title>
<form action="$wbe[script_name]" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="thx" value="Thank you for submitting the form, $WBV{name}!">
Please enter your name:<br><input type="text" name="name" size="20">
<input type="submit" name="Sbutt" value="submit">

After running this example, the resulting page in browser, may look like this:

Please enter your name:

After submitting the form the resulting page will change to something like this:

thx=Thank you for submitting the form, $WBV{name}!
name=Faik Djikic