Your first WBSP page

Create file hello.wbsp and place it in document root of your web server with following content:

    Hello visitor from $wbe[remote_addr]!<br>
    Your language is $wbe[HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE].

Access the file with your web server's URL followed by /hello.wbsp. On your local web server (located on same computer as your browser) the address should be http://localhost/hello.wbsp or If WBSP is installed correctly and the server is configured correctly, your browser should receive something like this:

    Hello visitor from!<br>
    Your language is en-us.

and it would be displayed like this:

Hello visitor from!
Your language is en-us.

If this example did not output anything when you tried it or if it started the download or displayed the file unchanged (with $wb elements included), then the server probably is not configured properly.