WB_ChangeHFOn - report header/footer grouping field(s)

WB_ChangeHFOn=database field name

Syntax example
WB_ChangeHFOn=[Year published]

Valid inputs
Any database field name or list of names

Default value

This variable defines which field(s) will be monitored for value change that will initiate showing header and footer report sections. If there is more than one field, change in any of those fields will initiate showing header and/or footer section. Field names that have a space in name must be enclosed in square brackets.
If WB_Order variable does not exist it will get exactly the same value as WB_ChangeHFOn. If it exists, then it must start with same fields in same order as they appear in WB_ChangeHFOn, or WBSP will generate the error.

WB_ChangeHFOn valid WB_Order invalid WB_Order
[Year published] [Year published] Title
[Year published] [Year published], Author Author, [Year published]
[Year published], Author   [Year published], Publisher